By the waterhole

January 06, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The site at Ol Pejeta was by a waterhole.  A ditch and fence blocked (in theory) access between us and the animals.  The appeal of the waterhole to the local wildlife though, was obvious.  It was a little harder to get shots this time round because there was no way to get closer to the animals.  As a result, most of these shots are cropped to a degree.  If there was one piece of kit I really missed, it was the monopod.  I think my keeper rate was hampered by trying to handhold the camera (a900) and lens (300/4 with 1.4x TC).  That's about 2.5kg.  

Fortunately most of the time I had free to take some wildlife pics, was early in the morning or very late afternoon.  We were in the workshop for the rest of the time (i.e. the hottest part of the day).  So when I had time to take pics there was usually more animals around.  

One common animal that visited the water hole were the impala deer.  The first picture below is of several female impala with some zebras in the background.  Click a picture to be taken to its original gallery.

A CWP Photo

The zebras also appreciated the water hole.

A CWP Photo

What the trip was all about- elephants.  An elephant and her calf make the early evening trip to visit the waterhole.  These were much warier of people.

A CWP Photo

The next two pictures are of the Marabou stork.  This is possibly the ugliest bird I've seen.  It is a scavenger and for that reason, has lost its head and neck feathers (like vultures).  That also explains the dried, crusty bits on top of its head.  Still, it was a lot less wary of people than the elephants.

A CWP Photo A CWP Photo

Where there are large grazing animals, there are flies.

A CWP Photo

Warthogs were also common visitors to the waterhole.

A CWP Photo

They didn't mind sharing the water with the zebras.

A CWP Photo


So overall the area was quite diverse.  There were a lot more birds about than I expected, and oddly, less insects and reptiles.  If I had known what was about, I would've bargained hard for an extra day there.


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